Precise data, unique to you, with actionable insights that empower you to realize your potential. We believe science and technology are integral in helping you to breakthrough to your goals. The truth is that most methodologies work, but choosing the wrong one will cost you time and missed opportunities. Leading edge science and technology will deliver the best data to enable you to pick the right methodology for you. Our suite for performance testing services will give you the data you need to best inform your journey.
Sodium and Sweat Test

Why sodium loss is crucial to your performance
Rather incredibly, the amount of sweat /sodium lost can vary up to 15 times between seemingly similar individuals. Everyone loses a different amount of sodium in their sweat, from as little as 200mg per liter of sweat, to as much as 2,000mg/l - this is largely genetically determined. This means that a 'one-size-fits-all', off the shelf approach doesn't work when it comes to hydration. We offer a personalized hydration plan and guidance on products that will help you meet your needs.
what's involved
No blood test. No need to bust a gut on a treadmill. No need to wait while your sample goes off to a lab for top secret analysis.
Our sweat test takes about 45 minutes and all you have to do is sit comfortably with our sodium analysis straps attached you your arm. While you’re sitting through the test, we’ll talk to you about how you train, compete and walk you through how we personalize your hydration strategy. The test is simple, painless, and extremely accurate.
Your sweat sample from the sodium analysis straps will give us an accurate reading of the amount of sodium (the key electrolyte lost in sweat) you lose every time you exercise. This is largely genetically determined and it's relatively stable after infancy, and so in most cases you'll only need one test in your life in order to understand an important part of the hydration equation.
We combine the reading with the context you give us during the test to create a hydration strategy just for you. We'll advise you on when, what and how much to drink before, during and after training and competitions, so that you're well equipped to achieve your goals.
What are the key benefits of a Sodium Loss test?

Passive Sweat Test: Our sweat test takes about 45 minutes and all you have to do is sit comfortably with our sodium analysis straps attached you your arm. While you’re sitting through the test, we’ll talk to you about how you train, compete and walk you through how we personalize your hydration strategy. The test is simple, painless, and extremely accurate.
Active Sweat Test: The Active Sweat Test includes all the components of a Passive Sweat Test as well as an hour long managed-intensity ride in a controlled environment to pinpoint your fluid loss during exertion.